Friday, July 16, 2010

High Heels Shorten Calf Muscles

clipped from

High Heels Shorten Calf Muscles, Inflict Pain, Researchers Say

X-ray foot heel shoe

Researchers from England's Manchester Metropolitan University claim to have discovered why some women are able to wear sky-high heels all day, yet feel pain when they take them off, according to the paper.

Scientists -- who will have their findings published in the Journal of Experimental Biology -- came to this conclusion after comparing women who did not wear heels with those who lived in 5cm heels, the Telegraph reports.

Ultrasound technology reportedly found that (surprise, surprise!) the calf muscle fibers of heel-wearers were 13 percent shorter than those who preferred flats.

But don't go tossing your Loubutins in the garbage just yet. A few simple stretching exercises can help heel addicts avoid foot pain.

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